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Current YadPOT Version | v1.0.15
POT's: 2414

This is YadPOT: An Aid to Creating Pages of Testimony

Pages of Testimony


Proposed Genealogy Standards for Data Entry of Holocaust Victims (via genealogy software) and Output to Pages of Testimony


In the Jewish genealogical community no firm standards have been adopted as to how victims of the Holocaust are to be recorded. An informal survey of some amateur genealogists revealed that several unconnected genealogists implemented similar conventions. They recorded the fact that someone had been a victim in the Holocaust utilizing one of several different methodologies:
  1. Entering PIH or Perished in Holocaust in the Fact Field of Died
  2. Entering PIH or Perished in Holocaust in the Fact Field of Place of Death
  3. Entering Y in the Fact Field of PIH
  4. Entering Holocaust Vicitm or Perished in Holocaust in the first characters of Notes field
  5. A dynamic check was also added so that any one Fact Field and data value pair could be added to the program's check during runtime.

Currently these are the options that YadPOT utilizes for determining if an entry should have a POT created. Should another standard exist, it can easily be incorporated into the programs selection criteria.


A person can potentially have a title, given legal or civil name, a nickname or AKA (also known as), a Hebrew name, a Yiddish name a last name or family name, and a maiden name. Additionally the Hebrew name might be stored in English or in Hebrew in the genealogy software program. YadPOT captures all of these permutations. YadPOT also uses the Fact Fields of Hebrew Name and Hebrew Name in Ahroni (in this case utilizing the Hebrew font entitled Ahroni). In the case of the latter, it actually outputs that part of the name of the victim in Hebrew. The name is first, followed by any nickname in parenthesis and any Hebrew, in the lower right hand of the box. This standard was used for all names; victim, spouse, father, and mother.

Dates were handled in two ways. Aside from extracting the standard date, there was a check for a Fact Field of Yahrtzeit. If present, it was appended to the date. As an example, "1 AUG 1942 - MENACHEM AV 18" could be outputted.


Permanent Residence on the POT was extracted from the Fact Field of Residence only. The actual Fact Fields of Street1, Street2, City, etc. were concatenated as Address (this feature may only be available with Gedcom, Family Tree Maker and Legacy software files).


Pictures are handled in one of two ways; embedded in the genealogy file or stored externally.

For external files, a Fact Field of Picture was used to lookup the filename of the picture and insert it into the POT (the actual location of the directory of the file is entered on the main YadPOT screen). PictureCaption was used to insert a caption into the POT above the picture. YadPOT can insert TIF and JPG images. Other formats are attempted without a guarantee of success.

In the alternate option, YadPOT is programmed to retrieve image objects embedded in the genealogy file. It checks for a primary exhibit that is an image. If no image is marked as primary, then all other objects associated with the victim are parsed for an image. If an image is found, the image is extracted and added to the POT along with the associated caption. The image is also copied and saved to the filename directory specified in the main YadPOT screen.


A Fact Field of Occupation was used for Occupation.


A Fact Field of FamilyStatus with a value of Single was used, in cases where it was not obvious.


A separate YadPOT Submitter Information screen gathers the author's information that will appear on the bottom of the POT form. Included in the information solicited is email address. This is added to the very bottom of the form so that future researchers can contact submitters directly. A JGFF number is also solicited, although at this time it has no function.


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